2) 40 % - Communication skill / kemahiran berkomunikasi
3) 10 % General knowledge / pengetahuan am
4) 8 % - Job experience / pengalaman kerja
5) 2 % - Academic qualification / kelayakan akademik
priority as listed - from top to bottom...
Sebagai tips untuk interviewer, kita perlu semak :-
1) 10 tahun job experience = one month experience repeated 120 ?
2) comm skills - able to think, speak and write clearly
3) Character must have integrity, honest, hard working, disciplined, punctual and productive
Maybe punca dpd our education system. in which lack but not bad it is confound
1) produces rote learner who are unable to think critically
2) produce lack of hunger and determination graduates to start at low level job first
3) hardly any personal development in our tertiary institution
so, suggestion to improve :-
1) institution should work together with student by giving them freedom of speech with necessary guidance
2) lecturer and teacher should realise student might have something to say about what the study - and it might be fruitul to be heard
Sumber :-
1) Where Character Counts, The Star, 15 Ogos 2012
2) Picture :- http://cte.uwaterloo.ca/media/images/generic/The%20Academic%20Job%20Interview.jpg